About This Project

This was the first ever project done by BuildTech in the time span of 2012 to 2016 situated at Kallyanpur which is easily accesible from Agargaon.

This was the first ever project done by BuildTech in the time span of 2012 to 2016 situated at Kallyanpur which is easily accesible from Agargaon.

Showpno Chowa

A place where books hang out waiting to be grabbed. But don't be too grabby now, ya hear.

Wicked Cool Library Shelves

The neatest lighthouse you ever saw. Ehh, actually it's kind of messy. But that's why the pic is of the outside.

Neato Toledo Lighthouse

The blobiest of blobs nestled deep in the heart of outer space. Well, technically the universe is both infinite and homogeneous so there isn't really a heart, per se.

Super Space Blob